Women, powerful leaders of the world

11Persian date Farvardin 1395 Hijri and Gregorian March 30, 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of Rajab 1437 AH and coincides with the celebration of Mother's Day to

celebrate the day begin

Hello to all people of the world

I'm working on it cause I understand what someone is the most influential person in the world !!!
Whatever thought to a conclusion.

Mother ... Wife ... girl ... and a total females, the most influential person in the world, in society and in the family knew.

The biggest thing, the biggest improvements, and honor those who stand was a good woman.

Men and children of Iran despite strong support as a mother and wife, eight years hearty welcome death from water and soil defend their country and go ...

The most valuable asset of their lives and the lives crossing dealing with death. Something of this magnitude is a big decision and

Hard work it turned in favor and those who supported his soul and a good woman ...

in my opinion :
The role of women and the role of men as well as the backbone of home ... and if the column just shaken roof, the roof will collapse and will destroy all the debris.

Thread created to honor the most precious and most important and influential of God in the human world began

In honor of all mothers ... wife ... and the girls create this world that its beauty.

Hence the name of this topic (women, strong leaders of the world) and I hope that together with your loved ones in upholding women's real, effective steps to be taken.

Unfortunately the day with various deleterious changes in attitudes and values ​​and identities of women in the world faced worth

Women's sexual and physical beauty and material and limit, to the extent that even many women value their own

It was believed ...

The power of women to influence the affection and sense of limitless power emanates, is the world's largest atomic bomb Iran can not ...

I hope this move worthy of a major international campaign in cyberspace becomes all the spiritual and emotional damage to the body of women in today's world, improve and re-position
His real (strong leadership, calm and beautiful world full of love and perfection) to be exposed.

Mohsen Mahabadizadeh
11 Persian date Farvardin 1395 Hijri
March 30, 2016 AD
20 Rajab 1437 AH
